Annual Christmas Selfies of years gone by: 2017, 2018, 2019 Every year, I vow to be more organised next year to get a nice Christmas photo of Dozer and I to send out to you to say MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And here we have landed again, with no such card-worthy Christmas photo, but instead, the usual impromptu Christmas selfie. This year, even better than most years, being taken in the boot of the car (don’t ask, it will take another paragraph to explain!). And as with every other year, short arms and an uncooperative fur ball by my side always make it somewhat of a challenge. It involves trying to figure out the best angle for both of is (that’s my Look of Concentration): Getting cross at Dozer for not co-operating… And by not co-operating, THIS is the sort of thing I mean: Countless shots where one or both of us are blinking…. And getting toppled over by Dozer when he gets a little too enthusiastic, onto the stinky Dozer-towel-lined boot of the car in my clean new dress just before we leave to visit friends for Christmas Day lunch. Yay. Yes, they are the duds I cull to get one decent selfie photo (extended arm included for free), where we both look semi-decent and at least one of us is looking at the camera (the other is looking at a neighbours’ dog walking past): MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Wherever you are, whatever your situation for Christmas 2020, I hope you were able to find some joy and happiness. I know it’s been a difficult year and we’ve all had to adapt, to find the good in life that can still make us smile. To connect with family and friends in a different way – who knew Zoom drinks could be so fun??! Here’s to things looking up in 2021! – Nagi & Dozer x

Life of Dozer

Dozer and Christmas always makes for amusement: This was from 2018’s Christmas Selfie-portrait attempt, when he not only toppled me over… ….he then proceeded to lie on me while I was trying to gather myself together. 🙄 Ah, this was the year when everybody was accusing Dozer of chomping off the gingerbread man’s arm when in fact it was ME! 😂 And finally, my favourite Dozer Christmas hat. Those little ears! I just love ’em! 😂 Dozer loves this hat too because it’s quite tall so hard to make it stay on his head, hence it takes a high value treat to get him to hold still for a photo. In this case, donut shaped Gingerbread!🍩🍩🍩

Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 82Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 47Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 74Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 56Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 43Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 94Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 50Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 94Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 36Another dodgy Christmas Selfie   - 65