Are you acquainted with The Blob Phase? It’s the moment right after you’ve realized that you wasted no fewer than five hours watching back-to-back Friends reruns and eating Cheez-Its, but before you’ve mustered the energy to scoot the empty box off of your abdomen. When The Blob Phase hits, the only thing that’s less appealing than spending one additional second covered in cracker crumbs is the thought of getting up to do anything else. Thank goodness for Instagram. Blob Phase, recommence.

About the Best Chocolate Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars

These ooey gooey peanut butter oatmeal bars were designed for The Blob Phase. In fact, they beg you to embrace it. An ultimate lazy dessert—only one bowl and limited measuring is required—these soft and chewy bars are at their best when at their blobbiest. I suggest you make two: one to bake into peanut butter oatmeal bars and the other to devour immediately. I don’t consider myself a big cookie dough eater (I usually prefer the final baked version), but I couldn’t keep away from the mixing bowl. I am still stunned that a flourless, butter-free cookie dough can taste this incredible.

Yes, you read that properly—butter free. In addition to being flourless, these miraculous bars contain no butter and still taste amazing, a feat made possible by our good friend, peanut butter. My Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies use the same no-butter strategy. A super generous quantity (shall I call it a blob?) of creamy PB provides all of the moisture these bars need to be perfectly soft and chewy, without the addition of butter. Old fashioned oats add a little texture, and a handful of chocolate chips keeps things sweet and right. Full disclosure: we are on our third batch of oatmeal bars in 10 days. When a dessert is this easy, this tasty, and (compared to other blondie bar recipes) this much better for us, it’s a little hard to control the urge not to bake just one more pan.

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Bars Storage Tips

To Store. Leftover bars can be stored in an airtight storage container for up to 4 days. To Freeze. Place oatmeal bars in an airtight freezer-safe storage container in the freezer for up to 3 months. Thaw and enjoy as desired.

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It’s the weekend. Embrace the blob with peanut butter oatmeal bars!

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